
Robertson Place Plan Project Update - November 2022

8 November 2022

Thank you again to everyone who has participated in the Robertson Village Place Plan thus far!

After hearing your ideas and thoughts in the various engagement sessions, we are now in the process of finalising the draft Robertson Village Place Plan.

Once we have finished finalising the draft Place Plan, it will be reported to Council and placed on public exhibition. The draft Place Plan will include a consultation outcomes report which will detail all the previous community consultation sessions, feedback that we have received, the outcomes of the engagement sessions and how this has informed the Place Plan through the vision, place principles and actions.

Details about the exhibition period and how to access the plan and submit feedback, will be provided on the Project Page, as well as sent to everyone who has participated in the project thus far.

If you would like to know more about the project, please feel free to get in touch with us on (02) 4868 0888 or at